The World of Crystals


    Methods for Cleansing Your Crystals: One of the most common questions asked by people beginning their journey using these powerful tools for transformation, concerns how to cleanse crystals, talismans, and pendants and how to recharge healing stones. As living beings, these tools from Mother Earth have likely become your ‘friends’ and just like all beings, […]

  • Crystals – What can they do for me?

    Hello beautiful souls. Hope you are well and in good spirits. I send you warm greetings and good vibes! I’ve been overwhelmed with your reactions and feedback about the first introductory blog I released a couple of weeks ago called “crystals and their healing powers”. It has certainly seeded some curiosity or hit some strings […]

  • Im interested in crystals. Where do I begin?

    Since my journey started with using crystals and gemstones for spiritual, mental and emotional healing, I have started sharing information in some of my previous blog posts found in my World of Crystals section  about how these rocks can bring about healing, how they can help me tune into my intuition, how they can clear […]

  • What Do Amethyst Crystals Do For Us

    Amethyst is on my personal top 5 list for must-have stones alongside the clear quartz, citrine, obsidian, pyrite and rose quartz! Amethyst carries a high frequency that protects the energy field, clears the aura and chakras (our energy points), and purifies the individual, removing any negative energy and allowing them to move forward in life, […]

  • Best Crystals for Protection Against Negative Energies

    Which one is the best for you? Hi there|! It’s been a while since I’ve shared a post about Crystals.. here it goes .. Through my personal journey  with crystals and gemstones, I have come across several fascinating stones with protective properties. Many of these have become staples and permanent residents in my home and I […]

  • Celebrities and Their Crystals

    Hi beautiful souls! Greetings filled with positivity and love this festive season. What better time to spend surrounded by family and people who raise our vibrations to ones of joy than this. I cant wait to take a few weeks off in December to soak in the Christmas feeling! Today I d like to share […]

  • Spirit Science Videos about Crystals

    Hi everyone! Last year, when I started using crystals in my daily routine by meditating with them, wearing them as jewellery and sharing some with my closest friends and family, we immediately felt the benefits. So I started researching online and the best videos I came across with visual and factual explanations creating by a […]

  • 7 Must-Have Crystals For Beginners

    There are infinite ways of aligning your mind, body and inner self through Crystal Therapy Practices. The more I learn about them, the more intrigued I am becoming. I wear them as therapeutic jewellery, carry tumbled gemstones or crystals around in my purse as a reminder of the intentions I associate with their properties. I […]

  • How to use crystals and gemstones

    Hi! It’s me again. Hola! I send you lots of good vibes and smiles your way. Today I’d like to talk about crystals and gemstones. Whenever we need inspiration to project our intentions, help us believe in whatever we want to achieve or look for something to assist us with being creative through our innate […]