A spotlight on Hermione Azzopardi, owner of Royal Paws Grooming Salon
This month, since the weather is getting a little cooler, I thought of catching up with another beautiful Maltese woman I know who is doing something that she loves and I thought could do with a little spotlight on my Blog! There’s nothing that gives me more pleasure than to see people focus on something they love and totally excel at it.
Hermione Azzopardi is a person I admire, not only for her kindness and charisma, but also for her awesome talent at grooming dogs. So I rang her up the other day and asked if she would be willing to meet me for a brief chat and snap some photos with some of her gorgeous show dogs, to be able to share some fresh content on my Lifestyle Blog! I thought there would be many dog lovers out there who would enjoy this and get to know this adorable woman.
Photos Branko Stoilov
Outfits Gisele Couture
Jewellery: My Online Shop Graziellecamilleri.com
Make Up: Vanessa Grech
Make Up: Vanessa Grech
She gladly accepted on short notice and within a couple of days, this photoshoot happened at her residence in High Ridge!
Photos: Branko Stoilov
Outfits Gisele Couture
Jewellery: My Online Shop Graziellecamilleri.com
I learnt that Hermione, in her earlier years, worked in a family business completely different to what she does today. It was her passion and desire to be more around animals owning a horse and some lovely dogs, that one fine day she took the plunge to take a diploma in dog grooming.
She achieved her diploma and her drive kept growing until she opened her own business, a grooming salon called Royal Paws in 2016. Today she is not only a professional groomer to many dogs who come gladly for her pampering session, but she is also a proud owner of three wonderful poodles (Mustang, Prada and Coffee) that have taken her a step further to be a dog show handler and a breeder!
Hermione has participated and won many titles in many shows with local clubs including Malta Canine Society, The Malta Kennel Club and has also participated and won many trophies in International competitions such as the ENCI Italy Championship!
Her passion keeps her wanting to know and learn more …She keeps up her education with courses every year and she has a particular avante garde style which comes across in her grooming work with dogs!
“I love being original and being different from the rest .” says Hermione I Love looking smart and l Iive life to the full and I wish my dogs to feel that! “
“ I do not work for a living , but I practice my passion to live”.
In this photoshoot with photographer Branko Stoilov, I teamed up with Gisele Couture by Gisele Abela in Ibragg with these outfits and I also brought some pieces from my Crystals Jewellery Collection for this special feature. Make Up by the lovely Vanessa Grech.
Hermione brought two of her dogs, Mustang and Coffee to meet us and after a few takes and laughs, we managed to catch a few snaps of us and these lovely animals!
That day, I decided, to also surprise Hermione Azzopardi, by offering her the opportunity to be one of the local Brand Ambassadors for my Jewellery, a title she gladly accepted. I believe she has a beautiful empowering energy about her and she is very aware how crystals work in terms of healing and wellbeing in her life!
Here in this photoshoot she is wearing the Pyrite Crystal set. The Pyrite stone is known for its empowering properties and for its protection from negative energies. The Pyrite helps with luck, wealth and abundance too. For more jewellery pieces you can visit my shop Graziellecamilleri.com or my Facebook Page Gemstones & Jewellery by GC.
This photoshoot was good fun and another proof that when women join forces, and empower each other, magic happens and so much good energy comes out of it all!
I thank Hermione for her time to meet me for this feature and I wish her so much luck and courage in her future endeavours at Royal Paws and her future shows.
One message that Hermione wishes to pass on to women out there during Pink October, the month dedicated to Breast Cancer Awareness, is to invite women to get themselves checked. Hermione was recently diagnosed with cancer and she will be taking it in her stride to fight it in the most positive way she knows how to.
Much Love to all of you out there! You are not alone. There is always someone who will be willing to help you, no matter how harsh your struggle is.
Photos Branko Stoilov
Outfits Gisele Couture
Jewellery: My Online Shop Graziellecamilleri.com
Make Up: Vanessa Grech