In Collaboration with SCENTONIQ
Nabeel Perfumes has written a new chapter in their history of fragrances, when theyproudly presented their luxury fragrance line called The Spirit of Dubai. Inspired by ‘Dubai’ – a city that embraces a wide variety of scenery, captivating contrasts of ancient tradition and the luxuries of a cosmopolitan society.
The Spirit of Dubai represents the defining aspects of Dubai and her culture. From the sea, the desert, the heritage, the skyline, the Arabian horses, the natural fragrances, the Arabian hospitality and the luxury, the products are inspired by the elements that make up Dubai.
The Spirit of Dubai is quite simply a personification of the city.
I had the pleasure of trying different ones at the boutique this week! Wow! Just splendid fragrances that cannot be described in words but only felt through the senses!
In Malta you can explore and experience this wonderful range of niche fragrances at SCENTONIQ.

The perfumer is inspired by the seven wonders of the city: the Sea, the Desert, the Skyline, the Arabian Horses, the Natural Ingredients, Luxury, Arabian Hospitality.