How to Keep Motivated

Hi beautiful souls. Wish you warm greetings today. A week ago one of my followers reached out on Instagram and suggested I write an article about how I keep excited about health and fitness and how I persist with constant energy on a variety of projects. So here I am writing this post with love. Motivation is a Huge Word. What does it mean to Me personally? Motivation to me is that drive that I need daily to keep dancing through my life’s journey at my own pace, to keep that vision of my goals clear at all times amidst all the noise around me, to keep challenging myself to achieve the objectives I’ve set myself, even the ones that at first seem impossible.

What does the word Motivation mean To You? Where Do You Find It day after day, year after year?

Do we ALL need Motivation in our lives to achieve Anything we set our minds to? Yes Why? Because we are all Human and we All tend to have lots of distractions around us to steer away from our goal point, we all find excuses or reasons to slow down or to quit. Be it a health and fitness goal, be it a relationship goal, be it a career goal, be it a huge dream, we all need Motivation to Follow Through.

The question you want to ask yourself is Are You a Quitter? Do you want to follow through this Time?




These action images were photographed in South Tenerife four weeks ago by my photographer and friend Mark Thornton. We were driving past this road, and I felt we had stop to take some dance photos without planning the outcome! I am now very blessed and happy to share these with you this week, to communicate this post about Motivation – about how to treat your life as a Dance – The Dance of Life. I am wearing a full outfit by NIKE, a brand I love! #JustDoIt


A. Remind yourself of your Clear Goal – What do you want to achieve? Say them out load in affirmations and write them down on your diary

B. Know The Score. Make regular checks to Track Your Progress.

C. Make sure to Reward yourself Every Time you Achieve Your Weekly Goals.

D. Give yourself breaks sometimes – dance forward and back towards that goal

E. Don’t be too hard on yourself – love yourself enough not to quit

F. Watch and read motivational stories or speeches – real life success stories

How do I personally keep Motivated?

I definitely need to keep motivated because I do find days when I find obstacles and I feel I am failing. These are some days that as a career mum, as a public figure, I do feel mentally drained or physically exhausted because of my hectic schedule which I have created for my personal enjoyment and development. I do sometimes have some fears or doubts. They kick in and I feel that I need some Boost of encouragement, help or inspiration to kick me back on track! Where do I find it?

In Health and fitness

1. I Create Good Habits or Fixed Calendars

From my Instagram Stories and videos @graziellecamilleri, you can see that I exercise daily, sometimes twice a day with my husband Marco or solo. We have found that by creating habits for ourselves as a family 4 years ago and by creating a pattern, it has become now natural for us to do them. Because of this good habit, the question I have every morning is not whether I am going to jog or whether I am going to the gym, the only questions I now have is what am I gonna wear? haha

We have as a family, created a routine that is simple. First thing in the morning, before our working day starts it is exercise time, rain or shine, so that has to be done, wherever we are in the world. We feel we need it because it is a gift to our body and mind, a gift to our temples. Twice a week I personally enjoy modern dance classes to keep in shape, to make myself look at myself in the mirror, to exercise my mind, and to use different muscle groups I’m certain you ALL can find that something not matter how big or small, to do that is beneficial for your age, body type or entertainment. Find your preferred exercise and Just Do It!

2. Family Time Opportunity

The motivation to me apart from the physical benefit of it, is that we are doing something beneficial for the family and our daughter Luna (7 years old) is growing up seeing us be active, not on paper but in real life. We are very much the type to be on our laptops for several hours a day, but my this morning habit, we all get some fresh air, we sing and joke on the way and it is a fun thing at 7.30 am. Job done and we are ready to face the day with energy and positivity like superheroes!





3. Buy Cool Clothes

One great way to keep you motivated to exercise whether you are male or female, is to buy lots of really nice fitness wear every season. If you look good, you feel good and you want to show them off right? There are so many lovely brands these days that you can search online, some at great prices. You all know that I and my husband Marco, we are huge NIKE fans for both their design, quality and their tagline JUST DO IT. We both have our individual goals and we just dance together as a team and do what we feel is right for us. With regards to fitness wear, you can find so many other brands to suit you and your body types!

4. Put Money Into The Equation

If you are a person who is careful with money, then go ahead and put some money into your progress. Sign up to a class or a gym or a personal trainer who you are investing your money in. That way you feel that you have to work hard for the money you are paying. I love my boxing and singing lessons. I pay for them and I make sure I work hard to get better at them both!



5. Follow your Inspirational Persons

Follow someone who keeps you inspired. I like to follow real life persons who keep fit and still have families to keep up with and businesses to run. To view some 50 male and female hotties to follow on Instagram CLICK >>> HERE

Because I am pretty constant on the healthy side of things, I personally like to follow normal persons whose life purpose is to create content and online programmes to inspire and motivate people to be the best versions of themselves not only in health and fitness but in the whole Dance of Life – Business, Love, Career, Spirituality. Take Brian Rose for instance, London Real’s host and producer at He has a myriad of healthy habits and he inspires millions of people around the world through his own experiences to train their mind to help them achieve all that their heart desires. My husband and I are huge fans and we follow his interviews with very interesting guests including the legendary Dan Pena and Mo Gawdat to name a couple! Click HERE to follow London Real or to sign up to one of his educational modules


To conclude my blog post for you today, because I can go on for hours .. I just want to wish you a great journey at whatever it is you set your mind to. Life is a beautiful dance. Open your hearts to listen to the music around you, set yourself some things that make you happy and slowly go with the flow of the universe to achieve your goals. And it’s OK to slow down sometimes and it’s OK to fail sometimes. If we don’t fail we don’t learn and grow. Move on and try again. That’s the whole fun of it all … and remember that in a dance the more dancers you have along with you it is so much more intriguing as a performance so don’t be scared to ask for help from friends and family. As Simon Sinek says in his book Together is Better. Enjoy the dance and Keep Motivated to give the best performance at whatever you choose to do!

It was a pleasure to connect with you today!

Sending you much love and good energy


Full outfit: NIKE
Eyewear: Dolce & Gabbana
Photography: Mark Thornton Photography, Tenerife



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