Things To See in Rome, Italy’s Magnificent Capital

As everyone knows – Rome in Italy wasn’t built in a day, therefore any traveller needs much more than a day to take in this timeless city. Italy’s capital city – Rome has plenty of piazzas, historic sites and open-air markets to savour, not to mention a myriad of world-renowned designer shops for enthusiastic fashion shoppers.

When you walk or drive around the streets, you immediately feel a sense of grandeur through the architecture of all the magnificent buildings, fountains and monuments every where. There are so many attractions to visit! Here are a few I recommend in this Travel Blog. Next time I visit, I will recommend some more! Trevi Fountain, Colosseum, Vatican, Castel Sant Angelo. Of course in Rome, as in any other Italian city, you will come across several cafeterias to sample a perfect espresso or ice-cream and you are spoilt for choice on restaurants before shopping or after sightseeing

Castel Sant Angelo

This monument is one of my favourite places to visit. I get a warm feeling of excitement and “home sweet home” feeling every time and I can’ t really explain why. No matter how many times I return, it’s always an immense pleasure. Castel Sant Angelo, prominently located on the banks of the Tiber close to the Vatican, this fortress was built as a mausoleum for the Emperor Hadrian (AD130-139), but it has also been a prison and a papal residence. It was used by former Popes who fled there for protection in times of danger. An exciting fact is that a covered passageway which still connects Castel Sant’Angelo to the Vatican had been discovered

Castel Sant Angelo Rome

Inside one can find its National Museum which retraces its history. The castle has various exhibits ranging from Renaissance paintings and pottery to antique military weapons. You get the full history information of the castle when you rent out the digital tour guide speakers at the cash reception desk.

The castle’s upper floors are filled with lavishly decorated Renaissance interiors, including the beautifully frescoed Sala Paolina. Two storeys up, the terrace, immortalised by Puccini in his opera Tosca, offers unforgettable views over Rome.

All in all, Castel Sant Angelo is a fantastic castle, fun to go around for several hours and to share the experience with a friend or a loved one. Best of all I recommend you stop for a coffee or a snack at the coffee shop at the top at sunset, where you will be able to enjoy views of the whole of Rome and let your mind imagine what it would have been like to reside in this magnificent city several years ago.

Trevi Fountain (Fontana di Trevi)

This fountain in Rome is another impressive jewel of water and stone designed by the Italian architect Nicola Salvi and completed by Pietro Bracci. Nestled between the palaces of this historic centre of the city, this impressive masterpiece is the only work of art in the world that celebrates the incredible power of water.

You hear the water splashes from a distance and you look for it with anticipation and when you find it, you can’t help but take a deep breathe and stand in awe of its beauty. The light and shade effects on the marble make the wind seem to bellow through the drapes and locks of the statues, agitating the waves creating an extraordinary intense and spectacular scene for any traveller

Fontana di Trevi Rome

A curious tradition regarding the Trevi Fountain is said to be that if you throw a coin over your should into the water, you will be sure to return to Rome. It is estimated that approximately 3,000 Euros in coins are thrown into the fountain every day.

Coffee shops in Rome

Bars and cafeterias in Rome are other Romans temples if you may. From what I heard, read & found in Rome, got to know that Romans like to drink their coffee fast, strong and very hot. It is part of their lifestyle and philosophy to stop for an espresso, drink it and go. This apparently envelopes Romans from morning till after dinner. It is a fact that most Romans drink a minimum of five espressos per day.

coffees in Rome

All around Rome, one can find loads of cafeteria’s serving coffee specialities and different ice-creams with various toppings and great concepts. One can choose his or her own flavour by adding some more toppings such as roses leaves, coconuts, cookies, and spicy chilly with dark chocolate, just to mention a few. I love a coffee in the morning and one in the afternoon so even just the coffee is an experience here in la Bella Roma!

Piazza Navona

Piazza Navona is situated in the historic centre of Rome. It is one of Rome’s liveliest squares, with many outdoor cafés, restaurants and night clubs in the neighbourhood.

Piazza Navona rome

Piazza Navona is one of the most famous attractions found in Rome and of one the most beautiful of Rome’s many squares. The main attraction of Piazza Navona is the trio of fountains that adorn the square. The central and largest fountain is the Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi (Fountain of the Four Rivers).

Rome Travel Blog Piazza Navona

The fountain features four figures, each representing a river from a different continent – the Nile, Ganges, Danube and Rio de la Plata. The statues are at the base of a rock supporting an obelisk. The perfect place for a memorable photo to take home with you in memory of your holiday to Rome.

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